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16.04.2007: Tester
The valve contains two solenoid coils. Sometimes these coils burn out, so testing them is always a good first step. It's easy to do right on the car, just unplug the connector. The resistance for each coil should be 3 Ohm (+/- 1 Ohm) between the middle and either of the outer pins. The combined resistance of both should be about 6 Ohm between the outer pins.

The boost pressure control valve (BPC), also known as the APC solenoid valve, is used on most Saab engines to control the turbo charging pressure. The valves on Trionic5 models are often prone to failure. In some cases it just needs a good cleaning, but sometimes it becomes permanently stuck in one position, causing the car to either stay on base boost, or go into overboost until it hits the fuel cut. This article provides an insight on what could be casing these permanent faliures.


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