| 21.06.2006 Cleaning
Before installing new piston rings, clean the pistons and scrape all
the ring grooves with an old ring to remove all dirt and reposits.
|  | 21.06.2006 Rings
Aftermarket rings often come as a complete set, bagged and labelled for an
easy installation. Saab OEM rings would come as a "per piston" set.
 | 21.06.2006 Testing
Oil the cylinder bores slightly and push the rings in with a piston top
one by one. Check the fit and measure the gap between the ring ends.
The factory specifies a 0.30-0.50 mm gap for the first compression ring
and a 0.16-0.65 mm for the second. If the rings were ordered correctly for
your application (e.g. standard size), you should not have to adjust them.
|  | 21.06.2006 Rings ready
The first compression ring is a solid metal ring. The second is a scraper
type and might come with an expander ring (Saab OEM kits don't have
expander rings). The third ring is a multi-piece oil scraper, which has
two thin rails with a spacer between them, as well as an optional expander.
Have some oil ready to lubricate the rings before installation.
 | 21.06.2006 Ring tool
Although it's possible to install compression rings with your bare hands, it's much
easier with a ring expander. Use some old rings to practice. The #2s
seem to be more fragile, I broke a couple checking how far they would stretch ;)
|  | 21.06.2006 Expander A
The key point in installing piston rings is to fit them so the gaps of the
neighbor rings are as far from each other as possible. Start with the oil
scraper ring. Turn the piston so you're looking at the connecting rod pin,
and fit the expander ring (if you have it).
 | 21.06.2006 Rail B
Turn the piston 90° and fit the lower scraper rail.
|  | 21.06.2006 Spacer C
Turn the piston another 90° and fit the spacer so its gap is
on the opposite side from the expander ring.
 | 21.06.2006 Rail D
Finally, turn the piston yet another 90° and fit the upper scraper
|  | 21.06.2006 Ring 2 Expander
Go back to the wrist pin and fit the expander ring for the compression
ring #2 (if you have it).
 | 21.06.2006 Compression Ring 2
Turn the piston 180° and fit the lower compression ring. The ridge
on the ring should look down (the ring will likely have "top/bottom"
markings on it).
|  | 21.06.2006 Compression Ring 1
Fit the remaining top compression ring so the gap on it is on the opposite
side from the compression ring #2.
 | 21.06.2006 Crankshaft bearings
Crankshaft bearings come as thin semi-round metal shells with special
coating on them. Be sure to verify the label on the box before opening
as no supplier will take them back if you remove the protective film.
|  | 21.06.2006 Engine block
Secure the engine block on the stand and throroughly clean the mating
 | 21.06.2006 Oil jets
Attach the piston cooling oil jets (14 mm socket), ensuring their
correct orientation.
|  | 21.06.2006 Main bearings
Carefully place five main bearing shells in their sockets, matching
the notch on one side. Avoid touching their surface with anything,
including your bare hands, as it would introduce dirt.
 | 21.06.2006 Thrust washers
Install the thrust washers on both sides of the #3 bearing. The side
where the part number is embossed should face the bearing.
|  | 21.06.2006 Crankshaft
Lubricate the bearings and place the crankshaft in position. Mind the
thrust washers as they like to drop on the floor at the first touch of
the crankshaft.
 | 21.06.2006 Main caps
Clean and prepare the main bearing caps. They are numbered 1 to 5,
starting from the timing cover.
|  | 21.06.2006 Main bearing tops
Place the remaining main bearings into their caps, lubricate them and
install the caps (they only fit one way).
 | 21.06.2006 Bolts
Tighten the bolts to 81 ft-lbs (Torx E16 socket).
|  | 21.06.2006 Connecting rod
On to the piston installation. Wrap the studs on the connecting rods
to avoid scratching the crankshaft while the piston is being inserted.
 | 21.06.2006 Piston ring compressor
Put the piston half-way into the cylinder and compress the rings with
a special tool.
|  | 21.06.2006 Piston in
Tap the piston gently with a rubber hammer handle until it fully enters
the cylinder.
 | 21.06.2006 Rod cap
Place the bearing shell into the rod, oil it and tap the piston further
until the rod is in full contact with the crankshaft. Place the other
shell into the cap and put the cap on.
|  | 21.06.2006 Complete
Install the remaining three pistons. The rods and rod caps are numbered
1 to 4 from the timing cover. The nuts need a 12-point 14 mm socket,
tighten to 35 ft-lbs.