| 18.06.2006 Head
A freshly cleaned and polished head, just from an engine rebuilder.
|  | 18.06.2006 Valve seals
Fresh valve seals go in first. Dip them in oil before installing.
 | 18.06.2006 Tapping in
A seal just slides on the end of the valve guide. An 11 mm socket is a
perfect tool for tapping them on.
|  | 18.06.2006 Installed
Close-up of a seal installed.
 | 18.06.2006 Valves
There are four valves per cylinder. The intakes are slightly larger.
|  | 18.06.2006 Springs and washers
The spring is sandwiched between two washers. The upper washer has a conical
collar wrapping around two collets that hold the valve stem.
 | 18.06.2006 Getting ready
The valve is in the socket, the rest is ready to follow. A dab of
grease on the inside of the collets will make them stick to the valve stem
and ease the installation.
|  | 18.06.2006 Valve spring compressor
Install the lower washer, the spring and the upper washer.
Use a spring compressor to clamp the spring against the valve.
 | 18.06.2006 Compressed
When the spring is compressed, there's just enough room to insert the
collets using a pair of thin curved needle-nose pliers. Here's when
the grease on the collets comes in handy.
|  | 18.06.2006 Bracket
The universal spring compressor I got from an auto parts store could not
reach far enough, so I had to improvise by making this U-shaped bracket.
The walls around the spring should be protected from scratches since they
act as sealing surfaces for hydraulic tappets.
 | 18.06.2006 Measurements
Measure the depth from the camshaft bearing surface to the valve stem.
It should be between 19.5 and 20.5 mm.
|  | 18.06.2006 Tappets
Install the hydraulic tappets. Give them an oil bath before putting
them in.
 | 18.06.2006 Camshaft
The camshaft bearing caps are numbered, but have rather bizarre markings.
My rebuilder marked them in a different fashion that was easier to read.
Put the head on wooden blocks so the valves won't be hitting the desk.
Lubricate the camshaft and put it in.
|  | 18.06.2006 Bearing caps
Lubricate the bearing caps before they go in. The inner side bolts on the
four caps above the cylinders have oil passages in them.
 | 18.06.2006 Tightening
Tighten the bolts to 11 ft-lbs, starting with the cap closest to the cams
pressing down on the tappets (12 mm socket). Install the second camshaft.
|  | 18.06.2006 Side cover
Attach the cover over the distributor cap hole (on turbo engines).