03.10.2005: Wastegate actuator |
The actuator consists of a vacuum box and a rod that pulls the wastegate
03.10.2005: Vacuum box |
The spring is inside the vacuum box. The box is a round can with a rolled
03.10.2005: Opening the can |
Use your favourite tool to pry off the edge of the rim. Be careful not
to bend it too much as the rim has to be rolled back in later.
03.10.2005: Almost there |
Continue around the entire perimeter. Medium sized vice-grips work well.
03.10.2005: Pop |
Sooner or later, the can pops open. The spring is not that strong, so don't
worry about it shooting away and crashing your china.
03.10.2005: Apart |
The wastegate actuator apart. You can see the can, the spring, the
rod with a piston attached, and the rubber membrane.
04.10.2005: Wire brush |
This might be a good time to clean the rust and dirt accumulated on the can.
04.10.2005: Membrane |
Clean the membrane, inspect it for cracks and lubricate with your favourite
rubber treatment for longevity.
04.10.2005: Springs |
The spring supplied by Nordic is noticeably beefier.
04.10.2005: Clamped together |
Put the actuator back together and clamp it. Make sure the edges of the
membrane are evently centered around the rim.
04.10.2005: Rolling back |
Roll the rim back in. Be careful not to crack the metal. I don't think
it will withstand one more operation like this.
04.10.2005: Crimping |
Press the edges tightly with vice-grips or another suitable tool. Check
the box for vacuum leaks.
04.10.2005: Ready to paint |
I decided to paint the actuator while I have it off the car. Don't forget
to mask the inlet and the threads.
04.10.2005: Finished |
Primed, painted and ready to go back on the car.